Monday, October 17, 2005

about time

I've been hounding others to update their blogs, and entirely forgot about my own! I thought I should write something happy here, since the last one was so depressing. My coworker and her family are doing well now. I'm doing my best to buy all the magazines, wrapping paper, and carwashes I can for their school fundraisers, because their dad was normally the one to wrangle up the business for them.

Life with Coalmine is SO WONDERFUL. He has got to be one of the kindest, most amazing men on earth. I didn't think they made them like that anymore. . . but there he is. We've been together only 3 months, but it's looking really really good. We just went to the symphony and a sushi dinner yesterday, which was a little different for us. He was the only blue-haired one in the whole hall. . if you don't count all of the old ladies. Intermission was a trip. . . at one point, I was trapped in the middle of three canes and a walker. But the whole day was great. And this came the day after my girlfriends and I hung out at the new martini bar in town. . .where each drink is NINE DOLLARS!! That's enough class to last a year. Now it's back to taverns and cowtipping.

I'm really excited about Halloween. I'm working on 2 costumes, because I can't decide which one I want to be; a Mary Pickford-type damsel-in-distress, with TNT tied to my body, and a piece of railroad tracks on my back, OR a Clara Bow-style magician's assistant, with an apple on my head, but an arrow right through my forehead. Hmmm. . . life is tough. But I just got my bloomers in the mail, so I'm kind of excited about wearing them for the first option. But then again, there's a vintage genie-esque costume waiting for me.

Next weekend I'm going to Mendocino to visit Mom & Dad & Anne & Ava. Ava told me she's going to be a frog for Halloween. Cute. All right. . .there's your freakin blog. Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeen!!!